4 Useful Tricks to Tell If the Diamond Engagement Ring is Real or Fake


You have full rights to inspect if the engagement ring is real or fake. Diamond is one of the most expensive gems, and when you get a diamond ring, you should be careful with its purity. Sometimes, a little eyesight can tell if the diamond is real. You can be sure with some professional inspection to identify the engagement ring’s purity.

This article will show you those tricks that can change your life within a minute.

Water Test: Diamond is a gem with high density; it will sink into the water. If you take a glass of water and pour the ring into it, the real diamond ring will sink undoubtedly. But it will keep floating or fall to the middle when the gem is not pure or fake. 

So, this easy water inspection can help you determine if you are holding the purest piece of diamond.

Fog Test: If you place the diamond stone in front of your mouth and fog it up, the real diamond stone will not hold the fog for a long time. It will immediately let go of the fog because of its high density. But a fake stone will keep the foggy situation for a long time unless you clear it up.

Magnifying Test: One of the most common diamond’s purity tests is to give it a try with magnifying glasses. Hold the diamond ring in front of a magnifying glass and look for inclusions or imperfections. If you fail to find any and the stone is clear, you are holding the fake stone.

Generally, diamonds have inclusions, no matter its lab-grown or natural diamond. You see, lab diamonds VS natural has many differences, including the inclusion matter. Natural diamonds usually have more inclusions than lab-grown ones because they are made from billions of years’ natural process.

Black Light Test: Keep the diamond stone in front of the black light and turn off other lights in the room. If the diamond is real, it will reveal a blue fluorescent light instantly. But if the diamond is fake, it will show greenish, grey, or yellowish colour instead.  
