5 Ways to Know You are Buying the Purest Diamond


Buying diamond jewellery can be challenging and intimidating for the first time if you don’t know much about its quality clarification. Diamond is measured as the purest when its 4Cs are adequately justified. The 4Cs of diamonds are Cut, Clarity, Colour, and Carat Weight.

This article will let you know about these four things with the importance of having certifications.

Cut: When the diamond cut is adequate, it dazzles and sparkles with the light beautifully. Round diamonds’ cut quality is objective; whereas, other shaped diamonds’ cut quality is pretty subjective. You need to know that the more the diamond is lively and sparkly; the cut quality is perfect there.

Colour: Most people focus on the diamond’s colour while buying it because it’s the only visible thing to look for. Natural or mined diamonds are usually colourless. And you will get almost all the lovely colours for your diamond jewellery from the lab-grown diamonds. Baby pink, yellow, blue, green, etc. are the most demanded diamonds for jewellery. 

Check out this site to get ideas about some beautiful diamond ring collections at an affordable price.

Carat: It is one of the essential things of inspecting diamond quality. The carat weight is not based on the size of the diamond, but the value and quality depend on it. You will not find all carat weight equal. It is one of the four factors that impact the diamond’s quality. 

You will see a two-carat diamond with less cut, clarity, and colour costs less than a one carat diamond with high-quality cut, clarity, and colour. So, these things are related to each other.

Clarity: The clarity of the diamond indicates the flaws or inclusions. When the diamond has poor clarity, you will notice the visible spots and inclusions with your bare eyes. And a high clarity diamond will require a microscopic machine to check out the inclusions (if any).

Certification: Finally, a certificate from the diamond shop with declare if you are buying the purest diamond or not. It mentions the 4Cs detailed measurement with the signed paper. 
