Mark Roemer Shares Reasons That We Should Be Worried About Technology


Technology has helped us to evolve with time and solved many hurdles of humankind. The best minds on earth, work tirelessly every day in order to create a breakthrough and give rise to new technology which can help us even more.

The teenagers of this generation may take modern technology for granted but we adults can definitely appreciate all the benefits it brings to the table.

However, it is also safe to say that technology has also brought forth the worst in humanity (Atomic Bomb) just as it has brought out the best very best (Space Exploration).

The Reasons
Here are some reasons why we should be worried about technology - 

1. Dependency - In our modern world, it is almost impossible to go on with our daily lives without using the help of some kind of technology. Thus, in a way, we have all become dependent on technology to do our jobs or even entertain ourselves. Now, it is not inherently a bad thing but if you use technology to do even the most mundane things, that can become a problem. 

For e.g., it is fine to use a calculator to solve complex equations but if you use it to solve simple addition, you are not using your brainpower and limiting your ability to grow.

2. Redundancy - Modern technology has helped us to do some amazing things. We can travel over the air, instantly communicate with our loved ones across the country, and even access virtual worlds that are simply breathtaking. It has indeed made our lives and our job much easier. However, with the advancement of technology, a feeling of impending doom may also surface on the minds of some working-class people. 

Technology has given rise to robots with artificial intelligence which are smarter, more efficient at their tasks than their human counterparts. They are also more cost-effective to build when we think of the long-term cost of hiring a human employee to do the same job. 

Although there are only a limited number of fields where these robots with A.I can work their magic, we have already started to feel redundant.

3. Addiction - Technology has drastically changed our lifestyle over the last 20 years. The invention of the internet, computers, and smartphones have given us a way to access information at the speed of light and indulge in activities which are otherwise impossible to experience. It is like a drug. No matter how much time you spend with it, it is never enough. Many teenagers, as well as adults, have become addicted to using the internet and playing games on their smartphones and pcs. 

4. Exploitation - Technology is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it has given us the means to store mountains of data on digital storage devices which helps us to save space and share them conveniently. On the other hand, it may also make you feel more vulnerable as hackers can spy and steal your personal data and banking information using illegal methods and exploit you. 

Thus, you have to be extra careful in order to keep your data safe.  


Mr. Mark Roemer believes that as technology improves, humankind becomes more powerful. Thus, it is our responsibility to exercise self-control when handling powerful technology and only use it for the benefit of people.
