Matthew Davies Helps You to Stop Living in the Past


Matthew Davies knows that the worst thing that you could do if you are trying to move forward in your life is to live in the past. There is nothing that you can do to change the past, so there is no real reason to be there.

In this article, we are going to help you to evaluate the things that you have done in the past and move past them. That way you can live in the present and the future, where you belong.

Take a Step Back

The first thing that you need to do is take one giant step back and examine your life. This will allow you to see where you are coming from. This is important as is will show you where you are going. Meaning if you are looping back to the past you may get in a vicious cycle.

This will cause you to repeat the same mistakes over and over again and not progress forward. While it is important to include your past when you are evaluating your life, it is not something that you should dwell on. Think of all the things that you have done in the past and then leave them there.

Explore and Process
After you have taken a look at all the things in the past you must explore and process how those things make you feel. If you don’t like the way that you feel when you are thinking about them, then you need to take steps to change your life moving forward. To do this, we highly recommend that you write down your feelings so that you can look at them.

If you don’t, you may keep circling back to the same things and cause yourself to get in a rut. A lot of people think that you only need to look at the bad things that have happened in your life. What they don’t know is that the good things define your past just as much as the bad things. So, take the time and review all of the things in your life.


After completing the above two steps, you now need to surrender the past to the past. You have properly evaluated all aspect of it and there is nothing more that you can do back there. The past is in the past and it is time to move forward. The good things you have done will provide you with the inspiration that you need to move forward.

The bad things that happened will likewise provide you with inspiration, only they will prompt you into making changes in your life. After this point, you do not need to go back there again. There is nothing for you there.


Matthew Davies would like to reiterate that the past is something that happened to you. That does not mean that it has to happen again. Make the changes that you see fit to make sure of that.

Don’t ever forget what happened in the past, because if you do then you might repeat the same mistakes again. Rather, remember what happened but do not live and dwell on the things that happened.
