5 Important Tips to Help You Get Better at Press Release

This is very important to deliver the press release accurately to get the best coverage you are expecting for. Writing an irrelevant and non-formatted press release does not even get published in the first place. 

However, being better at press release is not that difficult either. You just need to focus on the story and some simple tips will help you with it.

1.      Is your Story Newsworthy and Really Deserves to be a Press Release?  You cannot bring every single story to be published as a press release. There needs to be an interesting and exceptional story that the audience wants. Before you write for one, make sure it really deserves to be published and will grab the target audiences in no doubt.

2.      Accuracy and Required Format: You are bearing a good story but not giving the effort to write it accurately as a press release. Provide a catchy headline to be attractive in the first sight. The required format of the press releases is fixed and you need to maintain it. Make sure the first paragraph provides the hints of all the main points and important info so that it gets easier to evaluate.

3.      Do Not Exaggerate the Story: There is no need to overexpose any topic, rather go for to the point of the story. Use bullet points more often to make the lines prominent and easier to catch. Stay in between the limit of 400-600 words while writing a press release for your company.

4.      How Authentic the Sources are? This is important to provide the references or cite sources to evaluate any information you are adding in your press release. If the sources are not authentic, there are chances your press release won’t get covered.

5.      Adding Contact Information is a Plus Point: It is better to include your personal name, email address, and phone number in the press release you want to publish. In addition, the company’s official address, website, and contact info should also be included so that people can get their inquiries when needed.

Press releases help to provide a good image to the business organizations. 

As a business owner, you also need to make sure that your pressrelease distribution system is on point to get the media coverage, which is more important for grabbing the target audiences.
